Diet Chef Day 150 – WOW! One Hundred and Fifty Days!

Feels like another milestone – 150 days – that must call for a celebration? I knew I’d still be at it though 🙂 from Day 1 I knew I was going all the way, at the moment I feel like halfway there. What’s changed since I started? Apart from being a total of 30lbs down altogether… I think I’ve learned that patience and perserverance leads to progress – that this is a lifestyle change, that it’s hard and constant work – it doesn’t come easy to me, and I’ve not conquered the whole exercise thing yet either – but I intend to! I know it will come eventually – but it’s going to take some more of that patience and perserverance and plenty of determination!

I’ve gained something else too… every bit as precious as the weightloss – I’ve gained some wonderful friends and a great support system! I love the emails and the comments and I feel inpsired and motivated by keeping up with their journeys too – they make my day every day! and they keep me wanting to keep on 🙂

So all in all – despite the occasional blips (i.e. a pound weight gain this week 😦 ) this is the best thing I have done in years! That is all the reason I need to keep going and reach my target! In my dreams I would have reached it by now – others have in the same time frame – but I’m me and I can only do it my way!

Now, foooood! I’ve been hungry today, I think it’s because I’m rushing around back and forth to the hospital – my grandson Jai is doing really well today so that’s been a big relief!

I started the day with porridge and then had my DC biscuits mid morning with a cup of tea, lunch was soup and then before dinner this evening I had a packet of DC popcorn and an apple! Then for dinner tonight I had a lasagna with veggies – glad that it’s all easy and ready prepared – it’s been really helpful witht he whole hospital thing!

Breakfast Day 150 - Banana and Vanilla Porridge
Lunch Day 150 - Spicy Beef and Tomato Soup
Dinner Day 150 - Lasagna

3 thoughts on “Diet Chef Day 150 – WOW! One Hundred and Fifty Days!

  1. Congrats at your 150 day milestone!! Good for you! You are such an inspiration Shar, thank you so much for allowing us to follow your journey, and be inspired ourselves.
    Love you!

  2. Congrat!! That is a Milestone. I know exactly how you feel about the support. It has been a true blessing — AND YOU — my friend are a BIG part of my blessing. So glad you are keeping on keeping on! Glad we met! Glad I can chat with you most days. 🙂

    We are blessed girls and we Will make out goals. 🙂

    1. Thank you girls! Sometimes I let little negative chatter come in to my head – as I know others have lost much more over a similiar period but I have to just accept this is me – and my body loves holding on to fat!!! BUT I know this time I’m getting there – and the best thing is I know I’m getting there with your two as well!!! 🙂 xxx

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